MONDAY (13-JUN-22)
Pair 4 NS - Kym Grocke / David OwensPlace: 7, Percentage: 39.84% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 17: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner4 WQC620012100% Board 27: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner4 WAC11-45000% Board 37: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner2NT W8C710018% Board 47: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner4 E2H9100325% Board 56: Fiona Weeks / Pat Faircloth2 E2C8-110217% Board 66: Fiona Weeks / Pat Faircloth4 W5D11-650650% Board 76: Fiona Weeks / Pat Faircloth3 W4H9-140758% Board 86: Fiona Weeks / Pat Faircloth4 WTC12-480325% Board 95: Bernie Fitzgerald / Shirley Miller4 EAD11-65018% Board 105: Bernie Fitzgerald / Shirley Miller1NT NAH790867% Board 115: Bernie Fitzgerald / Shirley Miller3NT S7S9400758% Board 125: Bernie Fitzgerald / Shirley Miller2 WJH9-14018% Board 134: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout4 EKS91001192% Board 144: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout1 SAC780867% Board 154: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout1NT ETS8-12000% Board 164: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout4 E3H12-68000% Board 173: Kerry Delaney / Josie Dowling3 NAS10170758% Board 183: Kerry Delaney / Josie Dowling5 S7C11650758% Board 193: Kerry Delaney / Josie Dowling4 SAC8-10000% Board 203: Kerry Delaney / Josie Dowling2 SAD7-100650% Board 212: Sheryl Matthews / Carol Christensen5 W2H12-42018% Board 222: Sheryl Matthews / Carol Christensen3 N4H8-50542% Board 232: Sheryl Matthews / Carol Christensen2 N2D10170542% Board 242: Sheryl Matthews / Carol Christensen3NT N8D8-50217% Board 251: Myra Espey / Laurel Mathews2 N4S890433% Board 261: Myra Espey / Laurel Mathews3NT S8D9600217% Board 271: Myra Espey / Laurel Mathews3 NAC101701083% Board 281: Myra Espey / Laurel Mathews2NT W7D9-150867% Board 298: Alan Baker / Rod Pershouse2NT N7H1018012100% Board 308: Alan Baker / Rod Pershouse3 EAD7100542% Board 318: Alan Baker / Rod Pershouse5 N8C8-30000% Board 328: Alan Baker / Rod Pershouse3NT N9C10430975%
Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.