MONDAY (13-SEP-21)
Pair 7 NS - Madeline Bragg / Sheila ConnellPlace: 3, Percentage: 51.85% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 16: Josie Parkin / Bernie Fitzgerald2 E9C7501071% Board 26: Josie Parkin / Bernie Fitzgerald3NT S8D9600429% Board 36: Josie Parkin / Bernie Fitzgerald2NT E7S62001393% Board 46: Josie Parkin / Bernie Fitzgerald1NT WTC7-90643% Board 55: Steve Taylor / Shirley Miller2 N3C914014100% Board 65: Steve Taylor / Shirley Miller3 S9D10170536% Board 75: Steve Taylor / Shirley Miller2 EQC62001393% Board 85: Steve Taylor / Shirley Miller3 NQH8-50321% Board 94: Glen Scott / Carol Scott3NT S3S8-50321% Board 104: Glen Scott / Carol Scott4 WTC10-620214% Board 114: Glen Scott / Carol Scott1NT NKD6-50321% Board 124: Glen Scott / Carol ScottPASS N=0867% Board 133: Mary Price / Julie McMillan3 E7S10-1301286% Board 143: Mary Price / Julie McMillan3NT W9H9-4001179% Board 153: Mary Price / Julie McMillan2 E3C9-140643% Board 163: Mary Price / Julie McMillan3 E3S8100964% Board 172: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout1NT N2H91501393% Board 182: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout5 SAH11600429% Board 192: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout6 NAH1310101393% Board 202: Larry Clyde / Rex Bligenhout2 EJS8-110643% Board 211: Laurel Mathews / Judith Bowman4 E3S10-420214% Board 221: Laurel Mathews / Judith Bowman5 WAS11-650750% Board 231: Laurel Mathews / Judith Bowman4 S2C10620429% Board 241: Laurel Mathews / Judith Bowman4 WJD9501393% Board 258: Claire Capstick / Mike BuchananPASS N=0857% Board 268: Claire Capstick / Mike Buchanan5 WAS12-620214% Board 278: Claire Capstick / Mike Buchanan3 NAH6-15000% Board 288: Claire Capstick / Mike Buchanan5 EAS91001179% Board 297: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner2 EAC710014100% Board 307: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner3 N5C10130643% Board 317: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner4 E6H950536% Board 327: Pat Nugent / Vic Sumner3NT W2H12-69017%
Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.