Pair 6 NS - Ann Dillon / Rex BligenhoutPlace: 6, Percentage: 39.54% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 14: Linda Taylor / Larry Clyde4 NTC9-50220% Board 24: Linda Taylor / Larry Clyde4 WAD10-42000% Board 34: Linda Taylor / Larry Clyde3 NAH8-50330% Board 44: Linda Taylor / Larry Clyde3 STS10130330% Board 53: Allison Light / Barbara Treacey2 W8C11-200110% Board 63: Allison Light / Barbara Treacey4NT E3H12-690440% Board 73: Allison Light / Barbara Treacey3NT S4S6-300110% Board 83: Allison Light / Barbara Treacey2 W7H6100770% Board 92: Sheryl Matthews / Pat Faircloth4 WTS12-680330% Board 102: Sheryl Matthews / Pat Faircloth2NT W3C8-120550% Board 112: Sheryl Matthews / Pat Faircloth3 W9H9-110330% Board 122: Sheryl Matthews / Pat Faircloth2 EAD9-140220% Board 131: Michael Cull / Laurel Mathews3 N4S8-100542% Board 141: Michael Cull / Laurel Mathews4 EAD10-42000% Board 151: Michael Cull / Laurel Mathews3 EAS9-110433% Board 161: Michael Cull / Laurel Mathews3 EAC9-140217% Board 178: Rod Pershouse / Steve Taylor3 S8S8-50770% Board 188: Rod Pershouse / Steve Taylor5 WAH11-40000% Board 198: Rod Pershouse / Steve Taylor2 E4C6200990% Board 208: Rod Pershouse / Steve Taylor3 NQC8-100110% Board 256: Mary Warnock / June Mathers2 N3C890660% Board 266: Mary Warnock / June Mathers2 N9C890550% Board 276: Mary Warnock / June Mathers3 WAS7100660% Board 286: Mary Warnock / June Mathers1NT E4D9-150220% Board 295: Heather Torkington / Sandra Wright4 EKS11-150660% Board 305: Heather Torkington / Sandra Wright3 N5D9140880% Board 315: Heather Torkington / Sandra Wright3NT S5S12690770% Board 325: Heather Torkington / Sandra Wright3 W2D11-20010100%
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